Dos and don’ts when buying gifts for children with ADHD
The holidays always bring a mass of toys beckoning shoppers online and on store shelves, but not all those toys are going to be a good fit for every child. Gifts for children with ADHD could cause an increase in problems with behavior or be an enjoyable option for entertainment. Child psychologist Frederick List, PhD, offered some simple gifting tips for parents of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD/ADD).
“Any parent knows that the wrong toy in the wrong child’s hand can make for a difficult Christmas morning, but children with ADHD may have a lower threshold for frustration and take longer to recuperate,” Dr. List said. “Their ability to independently regulate how they are focusing their attention is more difficult for them than for other kids.”
ADHD is a difficulty focusing on things that aren’t stimulating or transitioning from activities that are highly stimulating.
“A lot of heartache and tears – for children and parents – could be avoided in the first place by taking some time to consider different types of toys that may better match their child’s specific needs and interests,” he said.
Here are some tips to consider:
Gifting dos:
- Consider activities the child enjoys.
- Consider toys that can help channel those activities productively. For example, a rough and tumble child who likes to play in the dirt would be happier with gardening tools than an arts and crafts kit, and the tools could provide a reason to dig.
- Get involved with the child in that activity. The time and positive attention that the adult provides the child can be a much more meaningful gift than the item itself – for the child and the adult!
Gifting don’ts
- Don’t expect an expert or a toy manufacturer to know your child better than you do.
- Don’t pick a toy just because it has an ADHD label. Most are not a one-size-fits-all solution.
- Don’t let negative criticism outweigh positive encouragement.
- Don’t use a toy to substitute for the parent. Helping your child with the toy and showing interest can increase the child’s attention span on what they are doing and increase their success, while also helping you to feel more successful as a parent.
“When buying gifts for children with ADHD, look for games and toys that will help direct them to where you’d like them to head,” said Dr. List. “Try gymnastics, jump rope or basketball for a child who climbs on furniture and jumps on the bed. Rather than trying to stop a behavior, find something you can use to help redirect that into a more productive activity.”
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