Why is the delta variant surge a problem for hospitals?
Because of the spread of the highly contagious delta variant, COVID-19 cases are rising faster than health systems can handle. But what does this mean and why should you care? Prisma Health Chief Clinical Officer Wendell James III, MD, explained.
Why is the delta variant surge a problem for hospitals?
- Patients are younger. This is a disease of the unvaccinated, but also younger patients who are stronger, so hospital stays are longer because of complications caused by the infection. “That slows our ability to turn beds over and take more patients in,” said Dr. James. “All hospital systems are at or above capacity, so hospitals are implementing surge units – areas that aren’t normally used for patient care but are being converted to do that.”
What problems does the surge cause?
- Extreme stress and fatigue among healthcare workers. Hospitals are accustomed to managing disasters, but the stress is continuing day in and day out for a largely preventable disease. “It is physically and mentally exhausting for our team members to see community members, including young fathers and mothers, dying of preventable disease, and it takes a toll on them. We have been doing everything to support their mental and physical health. Our team members are dedicated, and they will make sure that the individuals are cared for, but it creates a lot of stress,” said Dr. James.
- Delayed care for other illnesses. Surgeries and other procedures must be delayed because there’s not enough staff to care for the patients. Delaying care such as biopsies for cancer can have significant consequences. Triage is used to care for the sickest, but there will be a consequence for those who are not as imminent of dying.
Additional concerns
- Children. The virus is having a much more significant impact on the younger population. “Children can’t be vaccinated, so they depend on us and the community around them to protect them. As adults, we need to take that responsibility on for one another. We have three incredibly effective vaccines, including one that is completely FDA approved. We have a process and availability so that anyone can get it,” said Dr. James.
- Virus mutation. A virus by its very nature mutates. It could mutate into something the vaccine can’t fight against. And that is a very different situation.
“You trust us for your mammograms, your stress tests, and your colonoscopies. We do all that to prevent disease. We’re trying to keep people healthy. Trust us now. Wear your mask, wash your hands and get your shot, please,” said Dr. James.
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